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VDC19 Explorer
Wood is the protagonist in its essences and fine finishes combined with metal intended as a structural support. In addition to the traditional polished or matt effects, steel and titanium are also offered in different satin or glossy paints in match color or contrast with the various fine woods. Backrest can have comfortable padded cushions or a simpler canvas creating so different moods.
51 cm
Seat Width
42 cm
52.3 cm
Seat Depth
47.3 cm
84 cm
Seat Height
41 cm
Seat Height with cushion
49 cm
Arm Height
65 cm
(Custom dimensions on request)

Polished or matt steel 316L
Steel > high gloss or satin custom colors
Titanium > high gloss or satin custom colors

Teak > waterseals, oil, high gloss
Mahogany > oil, satin, high gloss
Custom wood

Soft materials:
Marine leather > plain, weaved, custom
Custom leather
Custom fabric